
What is it?

LinColony is a GPL board game where the objective is to occupy the most squares.
This is done by filling adjacent squares or jumping over one square.
Captures occur when a piece is placed next to opponent's piece(s). All touching pieces are converted to your side.

What stage is it at?

Well, you can play it with two players (no computer player yet), although the debug code tends to spew large amounts of data to the terminal.

What features will I be adding?

In no particular order:

Who wrote it?

Euan MacGregor

Where can I get it?

Latest version of the source code is available via CVS.
(Possibly not up to date) Tarballs are available from here.


This project is a first for me in many ways:
I started this project on 2000103 (April 12th), with two main goals in mind:

Also I thought the game was cool and simple enough for me to write a version.

I feel I should tell you that I have no idea whether I am violating intellectual property by writing a "clean room" implementation (after all i.p is about copyrighting the idea [feel free to comment on this at the forum]).
